Notification on Mandatory COVID-19 Testing in HaizhuDistrict
导语 4月9日,广州市海珠区发布开展全区全员核酸检测工作的通告,并发布了中英文对照版本。
Notification on Mandatory COVID-19 Testing in HaizhuDistrict
To strengthen our COVID-19 response, the Guangzhou MunicipalGovernment has decided that Haizhu District will conduct district-wide COVIDtesting on all residents starting from 10:30 on April 9. We hereby notify youof the details as follows:
1. Please follow the instructions of the community staff and takethe test in your allocated time slots. This testing is universal and shouldcover every household and every individual.
2. Please bring your mobile phone, and get your Guangdong COVID-19Testing (Yuehesuan) QR code ready for a faster on-site verificationprocess. Senior citizens and minors who do not have a smart phone may get a QRcode on their family members’ devices.
3. Please wear a mask and go to the designated testing site. Pleasefollow social distancing of one meter. Stay in queues and do not gather. Followthe staff’s instructions while you enter and exit the testing site.
4. If you have a yellow health code or have received a text messagefrom CDC, please go to the testing site for yellow code holders.
5. If you have taken a COVID-19 vaccination shot within 48 hours,please do not take the test until it’s 48 hours later. Please report this toyour community staff.
6. Please refrain from traveling or attending group activitiesbefore the test results come out. If you have a fever or other symptoms, pleasevisit a nearby fever clinic immediately.
Failure to participate in the testing will bring youconsiderable inconvenience in life. You will be held legally liable if anyserious consequence is caused. To protect yourself and others, please cooperatewith us to ensure efficient testing. Please do not trust nor spread rumors.
Haizhu COVID-19Control and Prevention Command Center
April 9, 2022