Notification on Mandatory COVID-19 Testing in Liwan District

导语 4月9日,广州市荔湾区发布开展全区全员核酸检测工作的通告,并发布了中英文对照版本。


Notification on Mandatory COVID-19 Testing in Liwan District


Dear friends,

  因疫情防控需要,我区从4月8日起对18条街道的居民开展全员核酸检测工作,现就有关事项通告如下:To strengthen our COVID-19 response, the Guangzhou Municipal Government has decided that Liwan District will conduct district-wide COVID testing on all residents in 18 neighborhoods starting from April 8. We hereby notify you of the details as follows:

  一、检测对象及时间Test scope and time

  (一)冲口、花地、桥中、华林、多宝、昌华、沙面、岭南、龙津、逢源、彩虹等11条街道所有居民,含外来人员。 检测时间:4月8日22:00-4月9日14:00 (1) All residents in Chongkou, Huadi, Qiaozhong, Hualin, Duobao, Changhua, Shamian, Lingnan, Longjin, Fengyuan and Caihong neighborhoods (including visitors)Time: 22:00 April 8 - 14:00 April 9


  检测时间:4月9日17:00-22:00(2) All residents in Dongsha, Zhongnan, Baihedong, Dongjiao, Hailong, Chajiao, and Shiweitang neighborhoods (including visitors)Time: 17:00-22:00, April 9

  二、检测地点:见附件1、2。2. Testing site: See annexes 1 and 2.

  三、注意事项:3. Remarks: (一)请携带手机,准备好“粤核酸小程序”采样码,佩戴口罩,前往所属采样地点接受采样。确保应检尽检、不漏一户、不落一人。(1) Please wear a mask, bring your mobile phone, get your Guangdong COVID-19 Testing (Yuehesuan) QR code ready for a faster on-site verification process, and go to the designated testing site. This testing is universal and should cover every household and every individual.

  (二)请注意保持“一米线”距离,主动配合、佩戴口罩,听从工作人员指挥,有序排队,按要求进出场地。(2) Please follow social distancing of one meter. Stay in queues and do not gather. Follow the staff’s instructions while you enter and exit the testing site.

  (三)不交谈,不聚集,做好自我防护。(3) Please protect yourself, and avoid talking and gathering.

  (四)在接种新冠病毒疫苗48小时内暂不进行核酸采样,待48小时后再进行采样,但需及时向社区工作人员报备说明情况。(4) If you have taken a COVID-19 vaccination shot within 48 hours, please do not take the test until it’s 48 hours later. Please report this to your community staff.

  (五)核酸检测结果出具前,请尽量减少流动,不参与聚集性活动,如有发热等不适症状,请主动到就近医院发热门诊就诊。(5) Please refrain from traveling or attending group activities before the test results come out. If you have a fever or other symptoms, please visit a nearby fever clinic immediately.

  不参加核酸检测将会给您的生活带来诸多不便,造成严重后果的,还需承担相应法律责任。为了您和他人的健康,请广大居民不传谣不信谣,积极配合,确保检测工作高效完成。Failure to participate in the testing will bring you considerable inconvenience in life. You will be held legally liable if any serious consequence is caused. To protect yourself and others, please cooperate with us to ensure efficient testing. Please do not trust nor spread rumors.




  Liwan COVID-19 Control and Prevention Command Center

  April 9, 2022





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